Thursday, December 8, 2016

Masculinity in Crisis


Monday, along with other peers, I will be presenting on 'Masculinity in crisis.'

Julia T. Woods-- "The media present a distorted version of cultural life in our country. . ." (1994.)

Robert Hanke-- "hegemonic masculinity is won not only through coercion but through consent, even though there is never complete consensus. . ." (1998)

Having these quotes in mind we can examine five defining characteristics of U.S. Hegemonic Masculinity within scope : (Nick Trujillo, 1991.)

1. power means physical force and control;

2. occupational achievement;

3. familial patriarch; in which the man is the breadwinner;

4. symbolized by the frontiersman and the outdoors man;

5. heterosexual.

The textbook examines traditional prominence of what is considered 'masculine' in an array of media outlets, as well as hashing over how, and what, responses arise out of a perceived collapse of the traditional every-man.
We've collectively been exposed to traditional heroes like Siegfried, Achilles, even Super Mario, for centuries. More contemporarily the John Waynes, Steve McQueens, Chris Pratts, Chris Evans and Arnold Schwarzeneggers have been idols of those seeking a mold or model for the actions of the manly-man.
In questioning this role, one could ask;

1. Is it necessary to have ideals for masculine and feminine types? Do they require wider consensus if so?

2. Is masculinity in crisis to begin with? Or is its acceptance of typically feminist critique just an example a growing reach of what is considered masculine?

3. Is reinforcing masculinity typically or inherently violent? Or harmful/dangerous for other individuals or role and identity types?

4. Can masculinity be 'soft'?

5. Who is the most masculine person you know and does their perceived identity accentuate or hide this?

Terms to keep in mind:


--Caregiver and Breadwinner





Julia T. Woods Article on Gendered media:

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